Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 25: Social Classes of the Aztecs (3/17/11)

Aim: The historians of 2016 create a new slide representing the social structure of the Aztec empire.

Task 3: Open this picture here and spend a few minutes looking at the picture independently. When Mr. Sanders tells you, turn to your neighbor and share some of the stuff that you observed int he picture.

Task 4: Track Mr. Sanders as he goes through his presentation on the different social classes within the Aztec Empire. Please open the presentation and stay on the same slide.

Task 5: Add a slide to your social classes (pyramids) presentation showing the different social classes of Aztec society.

Homework: New current event for Monday.

Day 24: Tenochtitlan (3/16/11)

Aim: The historians of 2016 will be able to articulate why the Aztecs built their capital in Tenochtitlan and the unique features of the city

Task 3: Track Mr. Sanders as he gives you a Google Earth tour of the Aztec capital and other significant locations for the empire and talks about life in Tenochitlan. There are maps and more information on city in the Help with History section.

Task 4: Create a detailed, colorful, map of Tenochtitlan using Google Draw that includes:
· Lake Texcoco

· Tenochtitlan

· Farms and Chinampas

· Canals

· Causeways

· Central Plaza (including Templo Mayor)

· Tlatelolco

Post the map to your history portfolio when you are finished.

Task 5: Exit ticket

Homework: Read 24.4 in the textbook and complete the corresponding workbook page.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 23: Growth of the Aztec Empire (3/15/11)

Aim: The historians of 2016 will be able to describe how the Aztecs built an empire through warfare and trade.

Task 1: Submit your homework.

Task 2 Quick Question: How do you think the United States developed into the most powerful country in the world?

Task 3: Take notes using this graphic organizer while Mr. Sanders goes through his presentation on the Aztec empire. If you need to see the presentation later, you can click here.

Task 4: Make a copy of this assignment and add two or three teammates that you plan on working with during this activity.

Task 5: Complete the true/false quiz exit ticket here.

Homework: Read section 24.3 and complete the workbook information. The directions on how to complete the

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 22: Introduction to Mesoamerica (3/14/11)

Aim: The historians of 2016 will be able to identify origins of native American civilizations.

Task 1: Put your homework on your desk and answer this quick question: How do you think the first people arrive to the Americas? Use complete sentences in your explanation.

Task 2: Track Mr. Sanders as he explains the game 'News Flash'. Open this Google document when it is time to play.

Task 3: Make a copy of the map and complete the mini geography quiz. Add it to your history portfolio with the title "Mini Geography Quiz" when you are finished.

Task 4: Make a copy of this Google Draw document and create a map of Mesoamerica using Google Draw. Add the map to your history portfolio when you are finished. You will need to use these maps to complete the activity.

Task 5: Complete the exit ticket questions here.

Homework: Read 24.2 in the textbook and complete the corresponding workbook page.