Friday, April 15, 2011

2016 Virtual ATS Time

Good morning KIPPsters, today we will be trying out CATS time online. Because it is our first time, we will be starting with 'ATS' instead of CATS.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 42: G.R.A.P.E.S of Mesoamerica (4/14/11)

Aim: The junior historians will complete a higher level analysis of the different Mesoamerican civilizations by mapping out their geography, religion, agriculture, politics, economy, and social structure (G.R.A.P.E.S).

Task 1: Place your homework on your desk and track Mr. Sanders as he shares about his trip to KIPP: Heartwood and Google.

Task 3: Review/Discussion of the Cortes video. Please start our discussion by answering this reflection question.

Task 4: GoAnimate Projects. How are they going? What support do you need from me?

Task 5: For task five today we are going to doing a G.R.A.P.E.S analysis of the different societies in Mesoamerica. Please make a copy of this Google Document and rename it. Once you've done that, Mr. Sanders will go through a couple examples of the G.R.A.P.E.S analysis.

Homework: New current even for tomorrow. You may submit your current event here.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 41: Cortes the Killer? (4/13/11)

AIM: The historians of 2016 will track the video of Henan Cortes and decide if this is a fair portrayal of his conquest over the Aztecs.

Step 1: Read these directions out loud. Today you are going to watch the video on Hernan Cortes and his conquest of the Aztecs. While watching the video I want you to think about two important ideas the video brings up. Why does the video portray Cortes the way it does, do you believe that Cortes was not sure about wanting to kill the Aztecs like the video shows?

The people in the film only speak English because the video was made for an English speaking audience. Cortes spoke Spanish and Moctezuma only spoke his Aztec native language. Dona Maria was the only one who could speak both languages.

Step 2: Watch the video on Hernan Cortes. There is six parts to is. When one part ends, make sure to play the next part.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:

Step 3: Turn in your question answers to the guest teacher.

Homework: The guest teacher will pass out the homework for you. For you homework tonight you're going to be creating new symbols for different concepts.

Day 41: Animating History (4/12/11)

Aim: The historians of 2016 will create a historical fiction illustrated story from the perspective of a person living in Mesoamerica during the middle ages.

Task 1: Have the lesson open as you go over the agenda for the day with Ms. Morales. Is she has any trouble with anything she'll send me a text and we can figure out a solution on Thursday.

Task 2: Submit your homework from last night. Everyone needs to submit it.

Task 3: Quick Question: Next week we start quarter four. Which activities from quarter three would you like to do again in quarter 4? Which activities would you like to not have happen again in quarter 4?

Task 4 Project: Today you are going to start an animated historical fiction essay from the perspective of someone living in mesoamerica. You can write pretending to be a person living in or near the Incas, Aztecs, or Mayans. You story can be written as a journal or a narrative. It needs to have three complete paragraphs.

When you finish your story you can begin to build you characters using Go animation. Make sure you log in using your Google account. You can start creating your characters for you story.

Task 5: Make sure all missing work is submitted and your portfolio is 100% up to date. Today is the last day that you'll be able to use the computers in class. All work needs to be completed before Wednesday night at 10:00PM. You can go back to this page to see the list of stuff that needs to be posted to your portfolio.

Task 6: If you finish early, the only things you can do it work on an extra credit project for Social Studies, watch the History with Sanders YouTube channel, or work on your history essay for ELA.

Homework: Tonight you need to finish writing your story and coming up with ideas for you animation. Your finished products will be due the Tuesday after break. I will be back on Thursday to help you with your animations.

Day 40: Achievements of the Mesoamerican Peoples (4/11/11)

Aim: The historians of 2016 will describe five or more of the world contributions from the Mesoamerican tribes in a Google presentation.

Task 1: Submit your homework. If you already posted your story online, you do not have to

Task 3: Open the presentation and follow along as we look at the different contributions of the Mesoamerican peoples.

Task 4: Open the virtual mind map space here. In order to become a member of the shared space, first try to chat in the box, then it should ask you to log in and you've joined the shared space.

Task 5: Create a Google Presentation describing four or more achievements of the mesoamerican people.

Homework: Read about the agricultural techniques in the Mayan Empire and complete the workbook page. You must complete the workbook page on paper tonight. You'll be submitting it online tomorrow.