Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 151: Panem Map Assignment (5/21/2012)

1. Submit Homework: Turn in your current event reflection from this weekend.

2.  Are big companies like the Capital in the Hunger Games?

3. Today's mission: Your mission is to create a map of Panem.  You must use geometric shapes of which you can calculate the area.   Remember, the Hunger Games is set in a futuristic version of the United Sates, so your map should be created within the outline of North America. Please use this map as your starting point. You can use this map to help you locate each district or you can choose find another map on the internet.

Tomorrow you're going to have to calculate the area of each district according to their size on your map so make sure you are using shapes that you will be able to calculate.

4.  As we near the end of the year, I want you to take a 
minute and think about your teammates. Which of them on a day in, day out basis has been working hard and being nice? Write the name of one student that you believe deserves to be recognized for their hard work in this area

5. We will finish class by watching this clip from the first Quarter Quell! 

Homework:   Complete the 'What Would You Do' reflection (paper only). 

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