Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 60: Dramatization of Leonardo Da Vinci's Life (6/1/11)

Standard: 7.10.2: Understand the significance of the new scientific theories and the significance of new inventions.

Aim: The historians of 2016 will write two or more paragraphs describing the life and significance of Leonardo Da Vinci in a new post on their portfolio.

Task 1: Submit your homework. If you already submitted your homework online, you do not have to submit it again.

Task 2 Quick Question: Like the historical figures in the Renaissance, if you had to focus on one of the areas of study that was around during the Renaissance, which would you choose? Why? (Painting, Astronomy, Architecture, Engineering (inventions), Science, Mathematics, Literature).

Task 3: Close your computers so that Ms. Kavanagh can put on the video showing the life of Leonardo Da Vinci.

You can continue watching the video on your own at home if you wish.

Task 4: After 35 minutes of the video, please create a new post in your portfolio, and it two or more paragraphs describe the life of Leonardo Da Vince and what he is famous for. This post is due Monday, June 6.

Homework: Read bout Galileo and the Copernican theory and complete the workbook page.

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