Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 29: Testing Your Teammates Knowledge of the Aztecs (3/24/11)

Aim: The historians of 2016 will create a five question quiz on the Aztec empire and have four or more of their teammates take the quiz.

Task 1: Submit your homework. If you completed it online last night you do not need to submit it again.

Task 2 Quick Question: Could the Aztecs have prevented the collapse of the empire? Why or why not? If so, what could they have done to prevent it?

Task 3: Open up your document where we sorted 42 facts about the Aztec empire. Track your document and/or Mr. Sanders while we discuss some of the more difficult facts to sort.

Task 4: Create a five question quiz about the Aztec empire that your teammates can take. Use google forms to create the quiz and post it to your portfolio so that your teammates can come and take it. If you need to see how to create and post your quiz, click here.

Task 5: Make sure the following items are posted to your portfolio:
1) Map of Mesoamerica
2) Map of Tenochtitlan
3) Social Pyramids (structures) of the medieval world
4) Blog post about Aztec Sacrafice & American Prison Labor
5) Blog post about Aztec City Design & Los Angeles
6) Five question quiz for your teammates (step 4 from today's lesson)

Homework: Complete a new current event for Monday. Remember, you must write it in the form of a script that a newscaster could read on TV. The best stories will make it into next week's episode of KSN. You story should be one long paragraph or two short paragraphs in length.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 28: The Arrival of Cortez & City Redesign (3/23/11)

AIM: The historians of 2016 will apply their knowledge of the faults of Tenochtitlan’s city design to suggest changes to the city design of Los Angeles.

Task 1: Submit your homework. If you completed the homework on the computer last night, you do not need to submit it again.

Task 3: Track Mr. Sanders as he goes through the causes of the fall of the Aztec empire. Please have the presentation open on your computer.

Task 4: Create a new post in your history portfolio where in paragraph one you summarize why the Aztec empire fell and problems with the design of Tenochtitlan and in the second paragraph you write your opinion on the city design of Los Angeles and if there is something city designers could change in order to improve the city.

Homework: Read about family life and markets in Tenochtitlan and fill out complete the workbook page.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 27: Aztec Religion and Human Sacrifice (3/22/11)

Aim: The historians of 2016 will make connections between the Aztec use of slaves in human sacrifice and prison labor in America.

Task 1: Submit your homework (if you did it last night you've already completed it).

Task 3: Track the video (please do not open the video while we are watching it in class) and Mr. Sanders he talks about religion and role of human sacrifice. I strongly encourage you to watch the documentary on your on time!

Task 4: Write and opinion blog post on the issue of prison labor and relate it back to the role of slaves and prisoners of war in Aztec human sacrifice. Track Mr. Sanders and he discusses this topic and goes over directions.

Task 5: Read and comment on three of your teammates blog posts.

Homework: Read chapter 25 section 3 and 5 and complete the corresponding workbook page.

Day 26: Aztec Family and Marriage Practices (3/21/11)

Aim: The historians of 2016 will compare and contrast the marriage and family practices of the Aztecs with those they are familiar with.

Task 2 Quick Question: If you had to be a member of Aztec society, which social class would you like to belong to?Why? If you do not explain why, Google Moderator will probably say your idea is similar to one already posted and will not let you submit it.

Task 3: Track Mr. Sanders as he goes through his presentation on Daily Life in the Aztec empire. Make sure you have the presentation open and saved to your documents.

Task 4: Use Google Draw or Presentation to create a double-bubble map comparing and contrasting the family and marriage practices of the Aztecs with culture you are familiar with.

Task 5: Make sure you have your projects from last week posted to your history portfolio.

Homework: Analyze The Great Market of Tenochtitlan by Diego Rivera and complete the homework here.