Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 14: Geography and Timeline of Medieval Japan (2/28/11)

Aim: The historians of 2016 will create an accurate timeline of medieval Japanese history in Google Draw using shapes, colors, and text.

Step 1: Put your new current event on your desk.

Step 2 Quick Question: Look at the population map of the United States. Why do most people live near the ocean? Please answer the question in the comment section of today’s post.

Step 3: Track Mr. Sanders as he goes over the history of Japan timeline using Prezi. If you want to view it later, you can see it here.

Step 4: Copy Mr. Sanders' timeline outline here and rename it 'History of Japan Timeline (First Name, Last Initial).

Step 5: Add four important events in Medieval Japanese history to the timeline. You must include an image for two of them. If you want to go above and beyond, you can create a Prezi account and create your timeline there.

Here are a list of sites you can use to find events that fit within the time period. Remember, the events must be relevant to Japanese medieval history and its development. Events not relevant to the development of medieval Japan do not count.

Only place events on your timeline if you can explain their significance during our timeline review.

Homework: Complete the reading on 20.3 (Government in Japan) and complete the corresponding workbook page.


  1. I think most people live near the ocean because people like the beach and coastal areas usually have more resources.

  2. People live near the ocean because they use water for many things.

  3. Most people probably live by the ocean because the ocean has some advantages. The ocean provides water underground, so it helps plants grow with rich soil. Also, the coasts by the beach contain "reasonable" weather conditions, except on some occasions.

  4. I think they want a peaceful life next to the shore where they can hear the ocean! Maybe they like silence!

  5. I think that they like to live there because they live the view of the ocean.Also i think they like the breeze that blows to their houses.I also think that maybe because of the easy access

  6. I don't really know why people live near the ocean but I'm guessing that the reason they live near the ocean is because they have a great view of the ocean and the land near them. Also the ocean is where different types of fish is and they can get there food for free.

  7. People live near the ocean for most of their needs,cause they like the view,they wanted to,and........

  8. I think they live near the ocean because its so beautiful and peaceful

  9. A lot of people live by the ocean because its pretty i guess. I dont really know i just know that people live by the ocean.

  10. I think that most people live near the ocean is because some go fishing in the ocean to get fish

  11. Usually people don't use ocean water for things like drinking so they might use for viewing.

  12. People live by the ocean because:
    1)They like the scenery
    2)The weather is leveled.....

  13. people are use to living by the beach because they
    use water for many many thing now.............

  14. The reason why people live near the the ocean because they could like the climate near the ocean
    or the could run one the beach something like that.

  15. I think that people live near the ocean because of the beach and the food.

  16. I think that people live near the water because water is a natural resource that we use a lot.

  17. Maybe people live near the ocean because they like the view, maybe they like the weather over there, there are a lot of reasons to live near the ocean. They can be an outdoors person and want to go out a few times.

  18. I think people live near the ocean to get seafood or just like the scenery.Also,they can use the water to water plants.

  19. I think people live by the ocean because of the climate and they can go fishing to get their food.

  20. I think people live near the ocean because they like the water and they like to go fishing.

  21. The water looks pretty i dont know maybe they wanted to go fishing or feel the breeze,maybe they were reliable sources

  22. I think that most people live near the ocean because of all the resources that they can find.

  23. I think people live near ocean so they can look at the sun go down by the ocean

  24. People live near the ocean because some like the nature and the fresh breeze , plus in summer time its faster to get to the beach and have a good time :] !`

  25. I think people live close to the ocean because its
    a beautiful site to see also that its very calm and cool. little do they know it can also be a bad thing because of floods and other crazy weaather.

  26. I don't exactly know why but they might like the view.

  27. I think that people want to live near the ocean because it can be tropical and warm and breezy for people that like those kind of places. It can also be very cold and snowy for people that like to be near snow and are used to very cold places would live there.

  28. I think more people live near the ocean because the ocean has more resources, because of the beach, and because the weather and environment is relaxing to most people.

  29. I think most people live next to the ocean because it's soothing and it's peaceful watching the ocean and provides some resources.

  30. I think people live near the ocean because the ocean is a great place to cool down on a hot day.

  31. More people live near the ocean because they could travel easily and they could eat good food while, watching the sunset. :]

    Just like living the good life.

  32. I believe people enjoy living near the ocean because its a beautiful site to see and also because it peace full.Also a lot of people live their so they can get a natural tan instead of using a tanning bed.

  33. These are the reasons why people may live near the coast:
    1)They could plant and water crops more easily.
    2)The weather is mild.
    3)Back then people could trade easier.
    Those are my reasons.

  34. I think most people live near the ocean because its a great view of the sunset.And you can go outside and play on the sand.

  35. i think a lot of people just like the breeze and the view???????????????????????????????

  36. I think people live more to the coastal areas because the migrate from different country's that that are islands. So its kind of like home to them too

  37. People live near the ocean because they probably like the view and the fresh air from the water.Also they probably like the water and the houses are always pretty by the ocean.

  38. I think the reason why most people live near the ocean is because of the natural resources around.

  39. I think that most people live near the ocean because it would be easier for them to get natural resources.

  40. because its a natural resource

  41. Most people live near the ocean, because the coast has more resources.

  42. they live by the ocean because of the views and the waves. Also because of the restaurants.

  43. I think most people live near the ocean because it has more resources and you can leave early maybe.

  44. Most people live by the ocean because its pretty to see the sun set and you you can go there anytime it's just around the corner.Thats why the have a lot of attractions in other places like Nevada.

  45. One reason why most people live near the ocean is because towards the middle of the United States the region is dry and the weather is not very balanced.One the other hand near the coast it is usually balanced weather and most people feel comfortable living near the water,

    Sir Baker.

  46. Because they want to have a breeze by there house.

  47. Because it have less change of something bad happen to u or other people.

  48. For the scenery and the water

  49. Natural resources
    Fertile land
    Great housing
    Nice environment
    Thats some reasons why people live near water

  50. Many people live near the water because it is warmer near the water and their need for a lot of food

  51. I think it's because people had to be ready to run from invaders and to guard their country to make sure there weren't any invaders.

  52. " i think it's because we live by the ocean that can be used for several things.

  53. I think people live near the ocean because what I learned in science the world change around and countries and things like that get moved around and get connected to a new country or city

  54. I think that most people live near the ocean because they might like the view or they might also live near the ocean because some people might do art and things like that and they might draw he landscape and stuff
