Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 113: Benchmark Review Day 1 (3/12/2012)

Standard: Students recognize that interpretations of history are subject to change as new information is uncovered.

Aim: The historians of 2017 will be able to read a primary source and respond in writing.

1. Submit Homework: Turn in your current event here. Make sure you're getting all your homework assignments turned in. Finish the quarter strong!

3. Watch our primary source video and submit a reaction. You have two options for how you can react to the video.

Option 1: Write a one or two paragraph comment on the video that includes your opinion, what information you think is actual observation and what you think is a terrible assumptions about the people of West Africa.

Option 2: Create a video response to the video where you describe your opinion and what you think is actual observation and what you think is a terrible assumptions about the people of West Africa.

4. Complete this geography activity and post it to your portfolio. You will see a very similar map on Thursday's benchmark so make sure you are taking the time to commit these locations to memory. You should already have an idea of where these places are based on what we've covered so far.

Homework: Re-read these pages on the Empire of Ghana and create five multiple choice questions, testing your teammates knowledge of the information. The best questions may be included in the benchmark!

Reflection: If you have extra time, complete this extra credit reflection.

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